"My name is Desmond Miles, and I am an Assassin. I am an Assassin." - Desmond
Born into the ancient Assassin's Brotherhood, Desmond tried to leave that world behind him. But we have other plans for him. Please welcome our Assassin's Creed Desmond Premium Sixth Scale Articulated Figure. With multiple weapons in his arsenal such as a handgun, knife and hidden blade, Desmond is ready to take on the Templars and accept his Assassin heritage.
Dressed in his final outfit from Assassin’s Creed 3, we’ve included Premium details such as his backpack, watch and a light-powered Apple of Eden. We’ve also crafted a replica of the Animus 2.0 chair from Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood with LED light detail. Use the included UV lamp to reveal the Eagle Vision secret message on the base!
Hyper-realistic removable clothing LED-lit Animus 2.0 Chair from Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood LED-lit arm scanner UV Lamp Eagle Vision secret message reveal on base Handgun with suppressor Knife Earpiece Watch LED-lit Apple of Eden Hidden Blade weapon Backpack Base and stand Premium art box